Manhel Fraud in Nagarekawa, Hiroshima

This is a story of fraud I experienced when I traveled to Hiroshima on a business trip.
It was a spring evening with a pleasant breeze.
During the day, I had successfully presented to a client, and afterward, we entertained them in Nagarekawa, Hiroshima's largest entertainment district.
Even though this was a business engagement, I was quite comfortable as we had developed a good relationship with the client's employees through previous interactions.
Because we were all at ease with each other, we had a great time.
As expected, the four of us got quite carried away, and it was past 10 p.m. when we finally parted ways.
I had gotten the contact information of a cabaret club attendant, "Misuzu-chan," from the second place we visited, and as I walked back to my hotel, I sent her a message thanking her for her hospitality that day.
(Misuzu-chan was so cute. I hope our schedules align during my next business trip so that I can invite her out.)
These thoughts kept a silly grin on my face.
(But what should I do now that I'm back at the hotel? I've had a few drinks, and I feel great! Maybe I'll call a delivery health service.)
As I was contemplating this, a young man with brown hair approached me in front of the hotel and struck up a conversation.
He Turned Out to be a Shady Catcher
"How about a girl, sir?"
"Huh? A girl now?"
"Yes, we have a range, from the elegant to the adorable."
(A tout, huh...)
Looking back, I should have ignored him and gone straight to my hotel room, but the alcohol had clouded my judgment.
"Do you have any cute girls?"
"Yes, we have plenty of adorable girls."
"Oh? How much?"
"It's 10,000 JPY for 30 minutes. If you want to go all the way, it's an additional 5,000 JPY."
"Huh? So, if I just want a blowjob, it's 10,000 JPY for 30 minutes?"
"That's right."
"And if I want to go all the way, it's an extra 5,000 JPY, so 15,000 JPY for 30 minutes?"
"That's correct."
"Hmm, what should I do?"
"We have girls ranging from 18 to 30 years old. We have about 16 girls working today."
"Oh? Is it a delivery health service?"
"No, it's a manhel without a reception area."
"A manhel, huh..."
(Manhel, if I recall, is short for "Mansion Health." It's a term for establishments that offer health services—a euphemism for sexual services—out of a room in an apartment building.)
"So, where is it?"
"Turn right at this alley and it's a short walk from there."
"I see. Okay, I'll take the 15,000 JPY course for 30 minutes."
"Alright, please follow me, and I'll show you the way."
And so, I followed the catcher.
An Old but Well-Kept Mansion
It was probably a five-minute walk.
When we arrived, I looked up and saw an old mansion that seemed to have at least 10 floors. It likely hadn't been built in the last 30 years.
The brown-haired catcher spoke up.
"Please go up to the eighth floor of this mansion. Enter room 803 and wait there. Girls will come to you one by one, and you can change up to 10 times. If you find one you like, invite her into the room and play with her."
"Wow, so the girls come to me one by one? That's impressive. By the way, do you have 16 girls working today?"
"Yes, we have 16 girls working today. Please note that if you change more than 10 times, there will be an additional charge of 1,000 JPY per change."
"I see, got it..."
"Also, regarding the payment, it's a prepayment system, so could you pay now?"
"Oh, okay. Sure, I'll pay."
And so, I handed over 15,000 JPY to the brown-haired man.
Then I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the eighth floor.
When I arrived, I got off the elevator and looked for room 803.
(This must be it... I just need to wait in this room, right...)
I reached for the doorknob, but the door wouldn't open.
I jiggled the handle...
I pushed and pulled, but it was no use...
(That's strange... The lights are on, but...)
I wondered if someone was inside, so I rang the doorbell.
No response...
I rang the bell again, and—
The door opened.
"What is it?"
An elderly woman stood in the doorway. She had a face like an old dog.
I asked hesitantly, "Umm... A man with brown hair told me to come to room 803 and wait for a girl, but..."
"Huh? What are you talking about at this time of night? Get out of here!"
"Is this the playroom?"
"Playroom? What are you talking about?"
"Ah, um, well..."
I stumbled over my words.
"Just leave! If you don't, I'll call the police!"
The door slammed shut.
That's when it hit me.
(Wait, did I just get scammed? Did I mishear the room number?)
Regardless, I needed to go back and confirm with the catcher.
I got back into the elevator, went down to the first floor, and searched for the brown-haired man.
But he was nowhere to be found.
I looked in the nearby convenience store and game center, but he wasn't there either.
I even returned to the spot where he had first approached me, but he was gone without a trace.
(Damn, there goes my 15,000 JPY...)
My mind went blank.
The shock was overwhelming, and I curled up on the spot for a while. But I knew I had to do something, so I called the police.
Soon enough, two police officers arrived, and I explained the situation to them.
One of the officers mentioned that they had been receiving similar reports lately.
All I could do now was hope that the culprit would be caught.
Lessons learned.
First, never follow a catcher when you're drunk.
I should have just gone straight back to my hotel and called a delivery health service. My laziness got the better of me, and I fell for the sweet talk.
I vowed never to fall for such a trick again.