Beware of the "Botta kuri Bar" Trap: A Personal Account from Minami, Osaka

October 10, 2024
Beware of the "Botta kuri Bar" Trap: A Personal Account from Minami, Osaka


Have you ever heard of the term "Botta kuri" in a Japanese context? It refers to those shady establishments that lure unsuspecting customers with their seemingly innocent facades, only to charge exorbitant prices later on. While these places have gained a notorious reputation, many believe they have diminished due to stricter regulations. However, I can assure you that they are still lurking in the shadows, waiting for their next victim.

My personal experience as a tour conductor in Osaka serves as a stark reminder of the dangers that persist. Let me take you through the events of that fateful day, where I fell victim to a carefully orchestrated scam.

The Dating App Deception

It all began with a dating app match named Yumi Sakamoto. She was a vision of beauty, standing tall at 170 cm, with an aura of refinement. We had been chatting online for a week, and she had expressed her openness to marriage, but finding the right match seemed elusive.

Eager to meet this captivating woman, I rushed to the designated meeting spot—the Takashimaya Osaka Department Store. Promptly, I arrived at the first-floor entrance, scanning the area for Yumi.

As I waited, observing the bustling crowd of salarymen, dinner-bound women, and shopping enthusiasts, I couldn't help but feel the vibrant energy of Osaka. Little did I know, my fate was about to take an unexpected turn.

The Charming Encounter

Lost in my thoughts, I heard a voice behind me, "A-are you…PIJ Writer?" Turning around, I was met with the stunning presence of Yumi, dressed in a white dress that complemented her beauty.

We made our way to a popular crab restaurant, "Ka*****," where we indulged in a delightful dinner. Yumi shared her story—a Nagoya native, now residing in Osaka due to her father's work, and currently pursuing her Administrative Scrivener license while working as an event hostess.

The evening flew by as we chatted, and I was completely charmed by her intelligence and endearing details, such as her passion for a particular idol group.

The Botta kuri Bar Revelation

As the night progressed, Yumi suggested visiting a nearby bar run by a friend. Unaware of the impending disaster, we entered a small basement bar with a counter and three occupants-a middle-aged man and two young men.

I ordered a gin tonic, and Yumi chose a cosmopolitan, accompanied by mixed nuts and chocolates. Two hours passed in a blur of enjoyment, and it was time to settle the bill.

That's when reality hit me like a ton of bricks. The bill amounted to a staggering 460,000 JPY! I was in shock. This was no ordinary bar; it was a "Botta kuri bar."

The Scam Unveiled

Yumi's response only confirmed my suspicions. She nonchalantly stated that it was a high-class establishment, justifying the exorbitant price. I was torn between calling the police and trying to escape.

Before I could make a move, the young men tackled me, taking away my phone and leaving me with no choice but to pay. I considered using my credit card, but they refused, demanding cash.

Feeling trapped and desperate, I turned to Yumi for help, only to be directed to a loan shark office nearby. I had no other option but to borrow 500,000 JPY, with an initial interest deduction of 50,000 JPY.

In the end, I paid 460,000 JPY to the bar, depleting my savings. But as I returned to the bar, Yumi had vanished, leaving me with a sense of betrayal and deception.

The Aftermath and Lessons Learned

Upon returning to my hotel, I discovered that Yumi had deactivated her dating app account, erasing all traces of her existence. I reported the incident to the police, but the perpetrators remain at large.

This experience has taught me valuable lessons about the dangers of "Botta kuri" scams. Here's what you need to know if you ever find yourself in a similar situation:

  • Escape Strategy: Pay a reasonable amount and create a distraction to escape quickly. Remember, high-traffic areas are often monitored by security cameras.
  • Dial 110: If you're trapped, call the emergency line immediately. Report any threats or coercion to the authorities.
  • File a Police Report: Gather evidence, such as audio recordings or itemized receipts, to support your fraud claim.
  • Consumer Affairs Center: Contact your local center for support and guidance.
  • Legal Advice: Consult an attorney for proper guidance. If you paid via credit card, they can help negotiate with the "Botta kuri bar" or your credit card company.

It's crucial to understand that ignoring "catchers" is not always a foolproof strategy. With the rise of local ordinances, these scammers have adapted, using dating apps and social media to lure victims.

Payments made under fraudulent or coercive circumstances can be revoked. Transactions with "Botta kuri" establishments often lack mutual consent, and customers are unaware of the exorbitant prices they may face.

While the police prioritize criminal matters, it's important to be aware of the challenges in seeking legal redress against these constantly evolving and relocating "Botta kuri" bars.

Stay vigilant, and always verify the authenticity of establishments, even if invited by someone you met online. Your caution could save you from falling into a "Botta kuri" trap.

PIJ Writer
PIJ Writer
PIJ Writer, a seasoned connoisseur in his 40s based in Japan, boasts an unparalleled depth of knowledge and experience within the vibrant landscapes of both drinking and gambling, alongside his well-documented ventures into various red-light districts. This extensive exploration encompasses not just the nocturnal delights of Japan's red-light areas but also its myriad of bars, horse racing, pachinko, and many others. Drawing on his firsthand experiences, he conveys the appeal and characteristics of Japan's diverse adult entertainment districts and his enjoyment of the nightlife scene through his writing for PIJ.

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